

CAYENNE PEPPER – Belong to the night shade family of flowering plants. It has an impressive nutrition profile which has antioxidant that are beneficial. Capsaicin is an active ingredient, which gives them medical properties. Which give them the hot taste, the more capsaicin the hotter the pepper is. Cayenne pepper boost your metabolism, reduces hunger, lower blood pressure, aids digestive health, may help to prevent some cancers. CENTELLA ASIATICA – Also known as Gotu kola. It has a variety of benefits. It helps repair body tissue due to spinal injury. It help brain function and memory, especially after a stroke. May help Alzheimer’s disease. Helps reduce anxiety and stress. Gotu kola is commonly used on  Varicose veins for its healing priorities. But it may have it some side effects like, skin irritation, drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, headache. CILANTRO – Cilantro is a popular herb used around the world, it taste so good no salt or seasoning needs to be add. and many people around the world use it to cook all there favorite dishes and enjoying the benefits with out really knowing they are doing the body good. It rids the body of heavy metals, lowers blood sugar levels, protects against heart disease, prevents urinary infections, settles upset digestion, protects against food poisoning, protects against colon cancer. CINNAMON – Has been hear for thousands of years and used all over the world in many,  foods for added flavors to delicious dishes. The smell alone makes it desirable, There are two types of cinnamon, Ceylon and the other is Cassia. Ceylon is sweet and sidle. Were Cassia is stronger in taste, but cheaper to buy its the one mostly found in stores, or they have a mixed batch of both. the older the cinnamon is it starts to loose its flavor one year for the cinnamon stick and few months for powder. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants can which help with heart disease, lowers sugars and ant- inflammatory. There is a caution how ever and that is to much of the cinnamon can effect the liver so do not over do cinnamon in capsule form. CHEERIES – Have a natural melatonin which help you sleep, they are rich in nutrients and help your metabolism flush out toxins .It is good at lowering hypertension, which help maintain your blood pressure levels, helps with heart health, it helps your hair stay healthy and shiny. Helps maintain PH balance. cherries can boost your energy after exercising. Cherries are full of vitamins that help your body inside and out which is a great benefit for your skin, we all need that little boost that helps all of us look younger. When eating dry fruit it takes the sugar to a whole new level, meaning it makes it much more sweeter because the water in the fruit is gone. We didn’t lose the flavor it just got concentrated and sweeter, but it doesn’t make it better for you, that is when you need to eat less. Remember always in moderation and you can still eat it every day a little at a time.