
Getting into Hot Water

Have you ever gotten home and feel tired achy and just want to relax and forget about your day? I have done that when I was younger, I filled the tub up with hot water relaxed, and fell asleep. What woke me up was my back started to get cold. When I reached for the covers I kept hearing water. Then I woke up to find myself in the tub. I told myself I would not do that again. But I did.

This time, I put the water as hot as I could stand, then got in, and at first, it felt great, but then I felt so weak it was hard for me to lift my arms to get out of the tub. It felt like I had heavy weights on my body. I dragged myself out of the tub so I could go to my room. It took all my strength to get on my bed and passed out. I woke up the next day, I never did that again. I had not drunk any alcohol and it could have been worse if I had.

So to me, hot showers are better, I learned my lesson.

With hot showers, you can relieve stiff muscles while you stand and let the hot water run on you for a few minutes. Roll your shoulders or massage your neck muscles let the water relax you and melt the tension of the day, let it fall like soap off your body.

When you have a cold and feel congested a nice hot shower helps get you breathing. The best way to do this is to get Vicks Vapor Rub and put it all over your chest. Get into the hot shower and just stand there for a few minutes, and when you start breathing easier, then it is time to get out of the shower. This should help you relax to the point you should be able to sleep a lot better.

Hot showers help people with migraines because it expands the blood vessels and gives you proper blood flow. That is why it is good for women who suffer from cramps, it brings relief.

So, just like cold water, hot water has its benefits too.

One doctor suggested that when you take a shower to keep going back and forth with the hot and cold alternatively. It benefits the body.

Cold water makes the blood rush faster to warm the core. So do this for a minute, then run the hot water as hot as you can stand it for a minute. Alternating between hot and cold water will expand the vessels and the blood will rush through. This helps the body pump the blood through all the muscles and organs which regenerates and detoxifies the body.

Also, doing this helps clean the pores on the body to help unclog dirt and oils that would be otherwise trapped, which brings healthier skin.

Wish I would have known this when I was a teen, it would have come in handy back in my day. I would have done that to take away acne.