
Weeds That Are Actually Herbs

Herbs can be our next best friend if you treat them right and help them grow. I know a lot of people think if you talk to your plants you are a nut case, but the reality of it is your plants love the sun, love to hear music, and love to be told they are beautiful, and it shows more and more by the flower blooms that they produce.

Plants are are like our children, if you show them love they blossom like flowers in spring.

Did you know that there are many herbs that are considered weeds and are destroyed. If people knew what that plant could do to help them feel better they would think twice before destroying it.

Top 5 Herbs You Thought Were Weeds


For example, the plantain is a small perennial its found in gardens or back yards growing wild. They say plantain is good for leaky gut. Making a tea or eating its leaves in a salad are very good for you.

To make plantain tea put 3 or 4 leaves in a cup then pour hot water in the cup and let it steep for 10 minutes. Take out the leaves and drink. Do this every day.


Chickweed is another plant that is an herb and also considered a weed. It is also edible, either raw or cooked, it also makes a good tea and it is said that it helps relieve pain of the joints. Chickweed also helps with nerve pain and other skin irritations when applied as a poultice or salve.


Cleavers is also an herb, most of us know it as the annoying prickly plant that its seed attaches to your pants as you pass by. Many people would not believe that this plant is an herb.

I remember this plant as a child. I hated it, trying to get those seeds off my socks and pants hurt my little fingers, but its good to know as an adult that it slows the signs of aging, helps the body to detoxify, and also helps with acne, and much more.

Lamb’s Quarters

Lamb’s Quarters, also known as pigweed or goosefoot is an herb some people actually put it in their salads, and in other parts of the world it is actually grown in fields as  a crop and used as spinach.

Lamb’s Quarters is full of nutrient and vitamins. You can us it as a poultice to sooth burns, it can also be used as a mild laxative when the leaves are cooked and eaten.

Sheep Sorrel

Sheep Sorrel is an herb, a vey useful one, it is eaten raw as in a salad or as a garnish. Sheep Sorrel is also used in detoxification. It is also good for killing off intestinal parasites and worms. Make a tea and drink it twice a day for two weeks.

To make Sheep Sorrel tea boil water, in a cup add 1 tsp of dry Sheep Sorrel. Pour hot water in the cup and let steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Make sure you cover the cup once you pour the hot water in the cup, drink the tea when it is warm.


The Old Ways

Have you ever stopped to think how many plants out there are for our healing benefit? Its like a puzzle, or a mystery that you need to solve, and from all the plants in the world (there are numerous) we have only discovered a handful of what they can do for us.

Even in centuries past, many people dedicated their time in finding a cure to heal the kings and queens, the knights and the upper classis back in the day.

I found a very interesting book called Old English Herbals by Elenore Sinclair Rohde. She goes back many centuries and it very interesting to read how they used to help people back in the olden days. They were serious about there herbs, chanting songs, and healing practices.

As I was reading what she wrote about the way they performed their healing, the chants that they would say, and the how precise the timing had to be or it would not work. Sometimes, it took days to get healed because you had to repeat the prosses over and over several times, and if you did not feel good, they would say that you did not do what was expected of you. Then you had to start all over again.

If you were healed, but felt weak they would say with time you well get your strength back .

Some of the herbs used back then are the same we use today, but they names are different. For example:

Wayboard = Plantain, Maythen = Camomile (Chamomile as it is known today) Wergulu = Nettle, Unfortraedd = Knotweed , Joy of Ground = Periwinkle,

These are just a few of the herbals mentioned.  the Anglo-Saxons had at least 500 plants that they named and used. Many of these plants have not been used for healing in many years. We have forgotten about them and how they can help us. But there is a book called Leech Book and it is the oldest book persevered, it has survived centuries. This is a manuscript of how our ancestors used herbs. They not only used them for healing but also for enchantments, to keep the monsters at bay, for illness of cattle and horses. and swine.

Back then, a pandemic was called “flying venom” and they used nine herbs to help people heal and feel better, but you also have some healings that were done back in the day that were hideous.

And you thank god you were not born back in that era, yikes!

It was “live and learn” back then, and now, for some of us, we are learning once again what the herbs can do for us, and at the same time we need to be cautious of what we pick because some plants may look the same but are not the same, like the mushrooms are a good example.

Many mushrooms look the same but there may be a slight difference. So, you need to know what that difference is, if you are going out to pick herbals. It is smart to take a book with clear pictures and descriptions on what the plant looks like.



Mankind’s Consequences

Don’t you find it strange that an epidemic like we have at this time in 2020, with all the technology all around the world, and yet, we can’t prevent it from spreading?

We have not found a cure that well help stop it!

Or is there?

The government is not so open when it comes to certain things it does not want to disclose. It will make up some kind of BS to cover its tracks. Like it always has, and still does to this day.

There have been so many cover-ups to so many things through the years. I remember when I was younger I read about a man who invented a car that ran on water, he was talking about how it would keep the air clean and how much it would save money because it would not use gasoline to work.

He showed his prototype in a picture, I still remember that picture. Then I never heard any more about him, but years later I found out he was killed and his invention of his car was gone, never to be heard about again along, with all his paper work of this invention.

Another  inventor that could make life easier for us invented a generator that made electricity on its own and it would of been affordable for everyone to have in their  home. Again the paperwork was destroyed along with the prototype and you don’t hear about it, until years later.

Now, if you stop and think about it, who would have lost a lot of money on all these inventions? and be put out of business because of these great inventions?!!

I’m sure there are plenty more inventions out their that we have not heard about, which brings me to the big pharma!

How many times do you think someone has come up with a natural cure only to be ridiculed and told he was out of his mind? He’s a quack! There are so many big companies with money, they just have to find some person in congress with dollar bills as pupils. They look for the weakest link. There are many of them in congress and in the white house, they are not hiding the fact that they are easily bought. So many promise how they are going to make changes in the laws only to get sidetracked and do the opposite of what they just promised.

It could also be harder to make the change because of the others who would need to be involved to help make those changes.

Hopefully, one day those people could work together to make the changes needed to make a difference, not just for the people but for all living creatures.

Seems like man kind forgets that he shares the planet with other living creatures and does not give a damn what he destroys as long as he is making a profit.

The top greed is so deep and so obvious, you can see it in everything that man touches, from living animals to lands and humans, not stopping to think of the consequences of their actions!


What’s Going On? How Could It Be?

Common sense in a modern world, is fading away fast. What you think would be easy to understand is becoming a state of confusion, and many are just seeing an illusion. How can that be, you may ask? We are being shown and told some things that look like they are as they say, but if you do your own investigating, you find that its not.

They are pulling the wool over your eyes and  hoping you are not the curious type. Which means thinking on your own and finding out if its true or not!

The saying “don’t believe everything you hear or read” is true. I have found the older I get, I understand more and am very disappointed about what I find out. But at the same time, happy. I know it and am not following blindly. I’m still learning, trying to understand things.

What is it going to take to make the big change?

How can we get everyone to realize that it takes all of us as a whole civilization to make a difference?

We are so divided at this time. Many blame one race or another saying they are to blame for all the problems in the world, pointing fingers, and accusing one another and so on, but in reality when will it all end?

Now, with the epidemic going on, and we are told we can not socialize, to stay home, and keep separated from family and friends, we are more divided than ever!

This is a critical time in all our lives with the fear of risking your health, not only of yourself but of your family, so how can we make the changes we need to be able to take our life back?

Right now, it feels like a yoyo. Things are up and down and it just seems like its going around in a cycle. Things are good and then suddenly we are back were we started. It is like eating the same food over and over again and thinking if someone else makes it, it well taste different.

I guess what it all comes down to is waiting for the right time to present itself to bring us together as a nation.

What I have seen is when tragedy strikes it is when everyone unites together and helps each other, not seeing race, color, or language as a barrier, but working hard side by side to save lives in destress!

How can we make this a way of life to help each other now?

Have we not learned or seen that when we work together we accomplish more? which makes the load easier for everyone?

It is at this point, that we need to reach on our own, not wait for a misfortune to come along to make us unite as one, but be united as one to to be ready for whatever comes our way and know that we can handle it together as a nation united in every way!



Honey, Lemon, and Ginger Tea

Winter is upon us and so is the dreaded flu session, how can we protect ourselves from this? The most important thing is to always wash your hands, try not to touch your face, sounds stupid but don’t open your mouth, especially when around other people. Right now, having to wear your mask does help because the virus needs places to enter and having your mouth and nose covered is one less entrance for them, and a healthier you!

Being on the road and not having any water or sanitizer with you to clean those hands as soon as you get in your vehicle is not good, but even if you have baby wipes that helps. I use those and so far so good.

There is more to keeping you from getting sick, you need to get plenty of rest and eat right. I’m not saying get on a special diet. I’m saying add foods that help your immune system.

If you start feeling a little cold coming on and you can’t shake off, drink a little wine, not the whole bottle! Save some for another time.

I try to keep the house warm but not to hot. I would always tell the boys, if they were cold go put on thicker sweater or socks or slippers, or you can snuggle up with your best friend or your spouse.

Mom would say, if you have the house too hot and you go outside you will get sick! I can’t say that its not true or that it is, because everyone is different.

I make a mixture of, 2 lemons, zest them first then slice them thin, peel one ginger root and cut them into thin slices, put in a glass jar, smash the lemon in the jar add the zest and pour raw honey over the lemon and ginger until completely covered with honey, cover with the jar lid and put in the refrigerator.

That is so good in tea, or if you get a sore throat, just take a tablespoon when needed. Its also very good to help you sleep. My grandson has so much energy, he came to visit us and he is 7 yrs old. We have a small trampoline for him to jump on and we are in the living room watching a two hour movie and he jumped the whole time, non stop!

Wow! I wish I could save that energy! But I gave him the honey, lemon, and ginger to drink in a tea. About half an hour later he asked me if he could go to bed. He was tired and wanted to sleep!

Now, when they come to visit he always asks me if he can please have honey and tea. So, I always make sure I have it in the refrigerator for him when he comes over. He might like it because its sweet and good, but I like it because it is good for him, helps him res,t and if he is starting to get a sore throat, it soothes him, too, best of all, its all natural!



Top Greed

Have you ever stopped to think how everything on this planet is trying to survive one way or another? From humans to animals, each one gathers what it can to continue to live each and every day. Humans go work to feed their families, provide a place to live and clothes for there kids. the animals gather what they can from what they can find in the woods or from the little bit of scraps we leave for them to eat, and both  humans and animals are being killed slowly by the greed of the few, by destroying our way of life little by little.

Mankind is to blind to see that their very freedom that they care for is being taken away from them and they are not noticing because they are fighting over pitiful things and not seeing the big picture!

How can so many say this is the land of the free? Especially when we are loosing our freedom, our homes that we have worked hard for to have and leave to our children are being taken away from us!

How can you really say my house is mine paid in full? If we cant afford to  pay for our house taxes to the bank its taken away from you which leaves you homeless!

Not caring what happens to you as a person. Have you ever stopped to think , who comes up with these rules? And who benefits from all this?

Is it he banks? But then you see they are always asking for bale outs! Then who?

It is always the government who decides if they will help them out. Or is it?

When I was younger, I do remember hearing the names of powerful families that were very rich and had a lot of control of government because of the money they had. I didn’t acknowledge the information because I didn’t think it affected me at that time. But now that I am older and understand more than I did back then. Paying more attention because the changes going on now are so dramatic!

Did you know that there have been cures for cancer and other diseases that save lives? But these cures have not been revealed or heard of because the  government doesn’t want you to know because that takes money out of there greedy pockets.

The Federal Reserve is one of the biggest scammers in government. Putting money in the economy, giving us false security, then people start buying, thinking all is well then getting into debt, only to end up loosing their secure jobs, homes, and even their business that provided them their income to survive.

Still, you are expected to pay this back to the government as if it was our problem.

How can we as a people, that has believed that we should all have a voice that is being suppressed and not being heard by the very persons we send into congress to be our voice?

Your voice is not being heard because we don’t have the money to be heard, so they are being bought from companies that can buy their vote.



Food Chain

Each creature has its purpose to be on this earth, from the smallest animal to the biggest one. What ever that maybe. The earth worm who lives underground and makes the natural fertilizer for plants, the bees need the nectar from the flowers as food, and at the same time the flowers have pollen that needs to be spread to other plants in order for fruits and seeds to continue to grow.

There are so many good bugs that help us keep unwanted insects away from our gardens, like a spider in the garden is getting plenty to eat if he or she fat. Which means a spider can eat 10% of its weight each day!

Every animal put on this planet is made to keep other animals in check, without each other, neither could survive because they depend on each other as food.

We are the number one carnivore eaters, unlike spiders we try to eat our weight in food, but our eyes are sometimes bigger then our stomachs! And if the poor thing doesn’t run away fast enough, we catch it and put it in a pan and say how delicious is that!

What I am trying to say that when it comes to food we are the most wasteful of creatures on this planet. If the food does not look the right color or have the right shape it is considered none consumable and instead of feeding the hungry with this food it is thrown away or just left to rot.

Much of the food today is not consumed or used like in the older days when everything from the head to the hooves was used. Nothing was thrown away.

Now, the times have changed and our stores are full of meat but many prefer to hunt and kill deer and elk just for the sport of it. Yes, some do it for food, but not all.

Every living creature on this earth does what it needs to survive, but we are the ones who really need to make the big changes to be able to help the rest of the species survive.

We need to start caring not only for our land creatures but also for our water animals like our fish, turtles, seals, and many more.

Stop and think how can we live and survive with out all the animals and plants on this planet we live on? It would be tragic for us all!

Lets start to think in a positive way to be able to help our planet. To protect all manner of life. We need to do something, even if it is just picking up a piece of paper to recycle. Especially around the oceans, where animals are getting tangled in lost fishing nets and drowning or having amputated limbs, because the net was wrapped to tight.  Being left by people who don’t care or don’t think of the danger it may cause.

So, please start to be considerate for what is all around you because each life you save also saves you!


Man’s Greed

We have so many beautiful animals on this planet and some not so cute or friendly. The different places on earth look beautiful or ominous depending on the place and creature that is present. They dwell in every environment on earth from freezing to super hot degrees and it makes you think of the willingness of these animals to survive, and now with the human population moving in on their territory and forcing them to live in a crowded environment, where the plants and trees are being cut down more and more each day leaving many animals without food or a safe place to stay.

How can this be considered okay? To take away their only way of life they know and expect them to survive?

This greed that makes people not care of other’s lives is seen only in the human being. Yet, you can’t put it on all humans. Just a few who have the money or power to decide what would make them the bigger profit, not caring who or what they destroy.

Earth is able to heal itself in its own way, but just like our own bodies when we are sick or injured we need to get help in some ways to get better.

With the contamination in the food we eat to the water we drink how much longer do you think man or beast will last if we don’t start to make changes now?

We are already feeling the effects on our bodies with the increase of diseases, even our pets are dying from the same illnesses!

The technology of today is getting better, but its not making humans any healthier. You would think that there would be a cure by now for cancer or for diabetes, or how to stay young forever! But we know better, everyone is trying to make that perfect pill that will make you feel like you are in your twenties or younger.

We need to take a step back and open our eyes and see what is in front of us, and I believe that we have all we need here on earth by the plants that grow in our own back yard. Its taking the time to find out what works and how to use it for our own good.

Lets not give up on Gods plan. He’s always wanted what is best for us! But we have always been rebellious when it comes to following His word. Even now, in these times when technology has made our lives much  easier for us, we still complain about everything. We don’t think of our ancestors who would think of us as spoiled brats to complain of life being made easier than it was back in their time. Many would be bewildered at what has been invented. And think of how fast and how easily things could have been done to save time to do other things on the ranch or even spend quality time with the family.


The Four Seasons

We have been blessed with a planet that gives you beautiful summers! Where most everyone enjoys hearing the birds singing, children running and laughing, there is music in the air, and most people enjoying the heat of the day while others wish they could be sitting on a block of ice just to cool down.

Four seasons cherry tree on a hill represents spring, summer, fall, winter

Summer is also a time to enjoy the fruits and vegetables of the season. It is for those who have worked hard in there gardens, the best time of the year because all is fresh and ripe, ready for the picking. Its a time when all of the hard work pays off. Some they store in a cellar and some are canned, the rest is sold or given away to friends or family.

Then comes autumn! This time of year is beautiful. Its full of bright colors, reds, yellows, greens, and oranges. It is the time of year when most of the trees start to loose their leaves. What was once green starts to fade and slowly turn to bright beautiful colors. As the heat of the sun slowly diminishes so do the leaves of the trees and plants. Just as we are getting ourselves ready for colder times ahead, so are the animals, some are collecting there supplies for the winter and others are eating themselves into obesity, to be able to sustain themselves thru the winter, their coats become thicker and change colors too.

Winter is a time when the temperature drops very low, it is a very cold time of the year. If you are not prepared for winter, it could mean life or death. Most of the plant vegetation is gone and what you harvest in during the summer and autumn season is pretty much what you have to live on. That’s was how it use to be, but now there is more help then there once was. But when the snow comes, its very pretty to watch it fall. It’s very petite and quiet and very soft and silent. But don’t be fooled. If there is no shelter it can be pretty bad a slow death can await you if you are not prepared.

If you are prepared, there are many fun ways to have fun in the snow! Like snow ball fights. That’s always fun till someone gets hurt. Make a snowman. That can always help to clean up a sidewalk or driveway. Snow angel, or an igloo. I’m sure you can think of other ways to have fun in the snow. Soon that ends and spring comes.

Spring is awesome because it is when everything starts to slowly come back to life. The days are still cold. I call it the feud between winter and spring, a tug of war with each other and it wreaks havoc on everything. Winter tries to keep a strong hold trying to keep everything cold or frozen, but spring just lets time go by and soon winter gives up and lets spring have his way.

You start to see the newness of the season begin. You see the baby petals pushing out of the ground, you see new babies born from all creatures big and small, you start to feel the warmth of the sun, the warmth of the breeze, the branches start to bud. Everything starts to come alive from its slumber! I have to smile because it is earth waking up to give us a look at what is to come in this coming year!

With all that said, every season has come and gone, and the earth keeps giving and giving and we keep taking and taking but we have not been replacing or taking care of the beauty it has always shown us. Man has been so damn greedy only thinking on how to make a profit that he is changing the beauty of the land and the beautiful creatures upon it.


Natural Alternative Specialist

Did you know that the earth was made to sustain all forms of life? To be able to keep us all fed for years and years to come? Did you also know that each plant is either good for  food to nourish our bodies or it is good for healing our bodies too? We just have to find that out all over again. What each of the plants can do to heal and nurture the human body.

When God made the earth, he made it to keep us well fed. Everything he has put on this planet is to help us to stay healthy and very much alive, from the smallest plant to the biggest tree there is some kind of healing benefit. It may take a little longer but we do feel better with time.

With today’s technology we may be able to find out more about how these plants can help us feel better naturally, but with the big pharma companies that are making millions, they don’t want you to get healthy.

So they make pills to make you think you are getting better, but it is only creating more problems than it is helping!

What is even more sad than that, is the greed of these companies for money. They don’t care about the life they are ruining, but there are many plants out there that can heal many illness today. Sadly, we are not told of this by todays doctors!

If you tell them that you are trying a natural remedy they tell you its not going to work. Then they try to persuade you to change your mind.

In today’s times much has changed. Our food is not as healthy as it once was. There are so many chemicals going into our food in these modern times that it is effecting our bodies more and more each day.

Not only our bodies, but that of our animals too. We have gotten so out of control with everything we touch, thinking we are making improvements, that we don’t see what is happening or refuse to see it and don’t care what happens.

Now we are at a point of no return! Or are we?

We can make this change that we desperately need to have a better world for the next generation! It needs to start now.

Our planet earth that we live on has always been able to heal itself in many ways. It has its storms, heat waves, winds, and floods. But it has always managed to redeem itself and continue to do what it does best. And that is to heal itself and continue to provide us with everything that growers on it.

But we have not helped much to keep it going.  By cutting of the rainforest and other essential plants we are shooting ourselves in the foot!

With our growing population, we have been trying to grow everything much faster. Even the poor animals are being effected, giving them chemicals to grow faster and fatter, but not knowing or caring what we  eat is effecting us too. Because we also eat these same animals that are being given these chemicals!

We are what we eat, as it is said, and those are very true words!

“Bon appétit.”