
Color Blindness Are We Born With It?

Did you know there are many different ways that people can be color blind and not realize it because to them it is normal? Due to three different types of cones, we have in our eyes that send the brain messages in color. But some people only have two working cones because the third one is faulty which causes a problem called color blindness which can greatly decrease color perception.

Can you see the numbers in the circles? Color blindness test.

Did you know that color blindness affects 8% more men worldwide than women which are only 0.5%?

Let us see how many colors are involved or not involved.

Red and Green Colors

Normal color vision is called Trichromacy (tri) allows us to see all the beautiful colors, because of the cones that send the color message to the brain, but if one is not working then we fail to see all the colors.

Scientists call this a trichromat to a dichromate. Why you may ask? Because the number of color combinations drops to ten thousand. Most color-blind persons are men. The genes involved in color vision are called X Chromosomes wherein men only have one.

The color red and green blindness has a grouping of a few disorders. It reduces the sensitivity to red lights due to missing or defective L-cone or longwave cones known as Protanomaly respectively and reduces sensitivity to green light or the medium- wave cone which is known as deuteranomaly respectively.

It makes it hard to see red, green, and orange but easy to see blues and yellows.

Blue and Yellow Blindness

Tritanomaly respectively is an absent or weakened S-cone or short wave cone. One in thirty to fifty thousand are affected by this and it is rare to be able to distinguish some colors like blues from greens and some yellows from violet.

Total Color Blindness

Achromatopsia is when you can not see any color whatsoever, everything is seen in black and white. Due to the non-functional or absent retinal cones.

Total color blindness is extremely rare. One out of thirty-three thousand has color blindness. Some are born this way by genetic inheritance, others are caused by illness, medications, chemicals, or accidents.

At this time there is not a cure for color blindness. But it is good to check your children at the age of three or five years of age to see if they have trouble with colors before they start going to school.

Just because they call it color blindness does not mean they can’t see. They can see things in black and white and grays like the old-time movies before there was color.

They may see things differently and have a hard time choosing what color of clothes to were because they are the same color to them, “black and white.” The same goes for the fruits, so they really can’t pick a good one unless they can tell by the mark on the fruit like a watermelon, or the smell of it.

If taught at an early age some things to help distinguish and tell the difference, they will be fine.

If you get color blindness as an adult would it be






Scabies What Are They and Where Do They Come From?

Have you ever had scabies? Or know anyone who has? First of all, what are they? Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis, is a microscopic scabies mite that burrows under the first layer of the skin and starts to lay its eggs and live there. The most common symptom is intense itching and pimple-like sores that develop.

Scabies is known worldwide and affects all races and social classes. It can spread like a plague.

What happens when you are infected and don’t know it?

You continue to spread it to anyone you have come in contact with.

You will not see the signs that you have it until four to eight weeks. but if you have had it before and you get infested again, you may feel it faster, like one to four days.

How do you get scabies?

If you are with someone for a while with skin-to-skin contact.
Shared bedding, towels.

It can’t be spread by a quick handshake or a fast hug.

The good thing about scabies is they can’t jump or fly and are very slow. That is good, but we are prone to enjoy snuggles, and cuddles, spooning, and much more. All activities that we take time to enjoy give this slow-crawling bug time to walk over to the other side and contaminate the company.

Can I get Scabies from My Pet?

The scabies that cats and dogs get is not the same kind of scabies. Your pet’s scabies is called mange. So we don’t get it from our pets and they don’t get it from the human if they are infected.

Who Is Most at Risk of Getting Scabies?

Those that are more prone to getting scabies are, prison inmates, living in crowded conditions, people in child care facilities, people in institutional care.

If you see someone with crusted hands especially around the web of fingers, please report that right away. This is an indication of a severe infestation that is highly contagious.

Natural Alternative Treatment for Scabies

Some natural cures are

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil helps kill the mites but not the eggs. It does stop the itching and starts the healing process, but as you continue using tea tree oil, it will continue killing the mites.


Neem comes from a tree and made into oil, creams, and soap, which can all be used to kill scabies and their eggs.

Aloe Vera

Another good plant to kill scabies is aloe vera, the gel alleviates the itching and eliminates scabies.

If any of these don’t work then let your doctor know he can prescribe an ointment that you put all over your body from head to toe and leave it on twenty-four hours and if you still itch you put it on, again and again, leave it on for twenty-four hours. It should kill scabies and their eggs.

This little micro bug can cause a lot of trouble.

Have you ever noticed that the smaller things in life, are the ones that cause a lot of trouble?

Some are easier to see than others, so we need to keep our eyes wide open and try to get a good view.



Eyebrow and Eyelash Lice

Have you ever heard of Eye Lice or Brow Lice? The medical term is called Phthiriasis Palpebrarum and they are a rare occurrence but it does happen on occasion. Or does it?

Since the start of eyelash extensions it seems to be more of an occurrence than we first thought, and looking beautiful may cost you more than you bargained for.

These eye lice are considered pubic lice which got there from the genital area to the eye. They jump on the skin of your hands and hang on when you touch your eyes they latch onto the skin of the lash.

That’s a really good reason to wash your hands after you go.

The life of the louse (eye lice)

After six to ten days the nits hatch into a nymph. They become adults in two to three weeks. After that, they have three to four weeks to live and each flee lays only thirty nits.

If you find eye lice on your eyes check the coarse hair of your body like eyebrows, armpits, and pubic hair, that may be another hangout place for them. Plus it will let you know how severe your treatment needs to be.

Symptoms  of Eye Lice to Look for:

Intense itching at the root of the eyelashes, especially at night when the itching gets worse. Other things to look out for are sticky eyelashes, eye redness, tearing, tickling feeling, and brown or black spots at the base of the eyelash.

Eyebrows can also itch. Sometimes it could just mean dry skin but if it continues constantly, it could me eye lice. Another reason could be if you have your eyebrows waxed, there could also be an irritant that you are allergic to in the wax. Or itching could be caused by other skin problems you may have.

How to Avoid Getting Eye Lice

Ways to not come in contact with these lice are by not sharing your brush, bedding, scarves, or hats.

One woman put petroleum ointment on her eyelashes and left them for thirty minutes and repeated it twice a day for three days. But if it isn’t eye lice you need to go see your doctor and let him check and see what is going on. It may be that you are allergic to something you are using.

Using aloe vera could help you also.

Like always, the best thing to do is try to prevent it from happening in the first place. Be more cautious about your whereabouts and remember to wash your hands. Prevention is number one when it comes to our health.

I don’t know about you reading this and not feeling the critters crawling all over you, I’ve been itching like crazy. I was fine until I started writing. Had to get my back scratcher.

Like I said previously in Not a Drop of Blood, the mind can make you imagine what it wants if you believe it. Of course, I know I am fine, but I just can’t stop itching.

I hope you enjoyed learning about eye lice, now I’m going to take a shower.




What the Notes of Scents Tell You

Did you know there are note phases in your perfume or cologne that you need to check before we decide to purchase it? They are called “notes” and each one is very important. Notes are separated in three classes,

1. Top / head Note

2. Middle / heart Note

3. Base Note.

These three denote groups of scents.

1. Top/ head

From the time the Perfume or cologne is applied, the notes start to work one right after another. Depending on the evaporation of the first note, it will affect the other two.

The top note is usually the first fresh smell that is sharp, as it starts to be assertive. These are the strong compounds of the top notes that are volatile but evaporate quickly.

2. Middle / heart notes

The middle or “heart” note is the part that you can smell as soon as the top note evaporates. They call this phase the heart of the perfume because it is the main scent of the perfume or the cologne. It is the body (heart) of the fragrance. It masks the unpleasant initial impression of the base note(s) which becomes pleasant with time.

The process could take about twenty minutes to an hour. Some scents of the middle notes can be mellow depending on the compound.

3. Base notes

The base note(s) brings depth and solidarity to the perfume. The compounds of the base notes hold the fixative, which holds and boosts the strength of the lighter top and middle notes that start to evaporate slowly because of their large and heavy molecules.

The scents are usually rich and very deep and so it is best to wait for thirty minutes after you spray it on to get the full aroma which gives the perfume or the cologne time to evaporate. Once you have waited for the cycle to complete, it is done. Then you will know how it will smell on you.

Everyone’s pH is different, so what might smell great on someone else may smell totally different on you. You end up with a scent that is not what you expected. But the perfume considered was like a song, from the first time you sprayed it on, each note would smoothly enter the next note and then onto the next, until it completed all the phases of the song.

Some categories of various notes include,

Heart notes: Cinnamon and Jasmin

Base notes: Vanilla and Musk

Top notes: Citrus and Lavender

Every note adds a certain quality to the fragrance, so it makes it unique in its own way.

There are more notes added to the categories like

Fresh florals





Florals reside within the top notes while woody and musky are found around the bottom notes.

With all the different notes to choose from, if you take your time and when shopping for the right scent for you. Don’t be the person that people can’t wait to get away from. Be the person that looks around and asks where that scent is coming from. It doesn’t take much time to wait for twenty minutes or one hour to see if that is the right fragrance for you.

Sometimes we are at the store for more than an hour, just shopping for groceries or browsing around checking things out, and before we know it POW one or two hours have passed by.

Use your scent detector (nose) and you will know if you will buy it or have to go home and take a shower. It is that simple!


What Fibroids Are and What Causes Them?

Fibroids. What are fibroids and what causes them?

Have any of you ever had fibroids?

I had fibroids many years ago and needed an operation to get rid of them. They were very painful, the pain was so bad it would wake me up at night from a deep sleep. I had been told that with time they shrink, but the pain was too much to bear to wait that long.

What causes the fibroids?

Hormones. Estrogen and Progesterone stimulate the uterine lining every period-cycle in preparation for pregnancy. Normal uterine muscle cells do not have that much estrogen and progesterone. So as your period comes around it promotes more of the hormones which cause the growth of the fibroids.

Fibroids tend to interfere with menstrual flow. So you may get bad cramps or even really bad backaches, or serious blood clotting caused by the fibroids not letting the blood pass-thru so it starts to coagulate.

Don’t worry when you see it, you are fine. It is just the body doing what it needs to do to get rid of it. If the blood clot is the size of a quarter or larger, it means you have many fibroid tumors.

My tumors weighed 5 pounds and I had to have a hysterectomy.

When they grow inside of you, they can interfere with other organs too.

I lost one ovary, and my small intestine was affected as well. With time, I needed surgery again and had my last ovary removed. I had scar tissue removed from my lower small intestine. All this caused due to fibroids.

Every woman is different and fibroids can affect most women at forty years and older. It could happen to someone younger, but it is rare.

Fibroids can make your stomach hard. I had a friend who had the crystal bowls that make a vibrating sound and as she made it vibrate we put them on the area that I had my fibroid tumors. I could feel the size of the tumor because it made the fibroid vibrate inside of me. It was quite the experience.

I am sure there are new technologies that can help operate and not get butchered in the process of removal.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a natural herb combination that helps shrink the fibroids and keep the uterus healthy, it’s called Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang. It balances the hormone levels in the uterus.

Green tea helps because it fights inflammation.

Chasteberry balances hormones and is also good for heavy bleeding and painful periods.

If your fibroids are bothering you really bad then you should go see your doctor. But if you would rather go the natural herbal way, which to me is safer, then you will have to be looking to information that might be contrary to what your doctor might prescribe.

Having fibroids can be painful and it just takes the right herb to make you feel better and shrink those tumors away in no time at all.

When I was younger, I had really bad periods. Mom had passed away and it was all men and boys, so I didn’t have anyone around to ask questions.

I wish I knew this back in my younger years, all this would have come in incredibly handy.



Do You Have Problems With Your Prostate?

When it comes to a man’s prostate, many men don’t know what it does and how it works. It is a small gland that is part of the reproduction system, it is the size of a walnut. The prostate rests between your bladder and your rectum.

The small tube that goes thru your penis that helps your bladder release your pee, is called your urethra.

The Prostate helps put fluid in the semen. So when you ejaculate it sends sperm from your testicles.

The prostate can become larger as you get older, believe it or not, that is part of aging. As you age the bigger it gets. By the time you are forty, your prostate is the size of an apricot. By the age of sixty, it is the size of a lemon.

What happened is, the urethra is a very fine tube, and as the prostate grows it pinches the tube which makes it hard to pee or pass sperm. Doctors call this benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH for short.

Family history and age are two things that increase the chances of you getting BPH. Here are some

Signs of Prostatic Enlargement

1. The bladder doesn’t empty all the way when you pee.

2. Constantly feel the need to go.

3. You stop and start several times.

4. You strain to get a little stream going.

As soon as you notice the changes in your prostate it is important to let your doctor know. If you wait too long you can do serious harm to your kidneys or bladder.

It’s different for everyone, some men have very few problems. Still, let the doctor know that way he can keep an eye on it.

Treatments vary based on the details of your case, like how much trouble you are having, your age.

If you are not bothered by your symptoms then the doctor will probably see you once a year, and do further testing to make sure you are okay. He may have you cut back on drinking liquid before you go to bed and have you cut back on drinking too much caffeine or alcohol.

They do have prescription drugs for BPH but they may cause cancer.

If you would like to heal the natural way with herbs, here are some herbs you can take to help with the prostate.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is one of the most popular herbs used to treat BPH. It reduces systems because it stops the production of dihydrotestosterone which reduces the size of the prostate the inner lining.

Stinging  Nettle

Stinging  Nettle is sometimes used in a combination with Saw Palmetto as it helps with the inflammatory compounds.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds have beta-sitosterol which improves urine flow and reduces urine left in the bladder.

A few tips:

Try to go to the bathroom before you leave home

Drink two liters of water daily

Do not drink water two hours before bedtime


Try to reduce stress

Doctors don’t really know what causes BPH and researchers are still trying to figure it out.

Studies have suggested that it may be hormonal changes that occur naturally with age.

I hope this was helpful in understanding your prostate.



Not a Drop of Blood

I have talked before about the power of thought and if you believe it to be true, that is what the mind perceives it to be true. There was a scientist from Arizona, who wanted to prove how powerful the mind is, to prove that your mind can heal you or kill you, depending on what it believes to be true.

For his experiment, he needed to find someone who would volunteer to go thru with the whole process of the experiment with nothing to lose. So he talked to a man that was on death row in prison. He told him it would be easier for him to die by bleeding out slowly. That it would take a little longer but that he would just fall asleep with no pain, “You wouldn’t even know that you died,” the scientist told him.

He would not need to die by electric chair. The man agreed to die in this way. So they lay him on a stretcher and tied his arms and legs, so he could not move.

After a bit, they cut a slice across his wrist. It was not a deep cut that would be a fatal, but enough so it would bleed and he could feel it.

At the bottom where his wrist was cut, they put a pan so he could hear the drip.

What he did not know, was they had put an IV bag right under his wrist and timed it so it would go slow like blood drops that he could count and hear as it hit the pan.

Time went on, and the scientist started to slow down the drops so that the man thought he was running out of blood and he started to look pale because he could not hear the drops fall as he did earlier, and he thought to himself that he was almost out of blood. He was getting more pale as time went by.

Then, the scientist turned off the IV bag. The man could not hear his blood dripping, and he started having trouble breathing, gasping for air, and his heart rate raced rapidly.

The man had a heart attack and died.

The others who were observing asked the scientist, “What happened?”

Very simple. The human brain excepts what it sees as good or bad. It all depends on what you believe to be true.

Many of us are told bad news, for example,

you have cancer and you are going to die.

Are you going to accept that? Or are you going to be positive and say I can beat this!

Its all on what you believe is the truth.

Your mind is so powerful it can heal you or kill you. It all depends on you!

Life is what you make of it, and positive vibes keep you alive. Even when things may look dim, there is always a light that shines bright, whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Remember we all see life differently, and might not agree, but being there when we need each other is what counts most.

Our mind believes what it sees, and sees what it believes.



Should I Get the Microchip or Not?

Would you allow to have a microchip put under your skin? That is the question I have asked a few people and the answers from some have been yes and others no.

Do you think it would be convenient to get microchipped?

Believe it or not, some have already been chipped.

They say it is a lot better to have it done. You pay with a wave of your hand. If you have a medical emergency, they just scan your chip and it has all your information already on it. It has its good points. Although there is more to think about, knowing how the government is, they can use this as a method of control more than you think.

There have been many good inventions with good intentions and the government finds a way to either control or destroy them. They say it is great! Easier! Covenant! But for who, really?

This technology can be easily abused. What kind of microchips do you have to choose from?

They have one that is like a tattoo and is injected under your skin along with a vaccine and this tattoo is invisible to the naked eye. When needed it can be scanned later for information using an especially adapted smartphone.

Many people have already tried this and say it makes their life easier and they are thinking of making it mandatory where people work.

Right now you have a right to choose and say no, but soon they will not give you a choice and they are going to say if you do not get a microchip you cannot work, or buy anything. That is when the control starts. Before it was a choice and then it is mandatory.

Also, have you thought about the effect that this microchip could have on your body?

You know when it comes to man-made products they don’t think of the effect it will have on the body. They only think of the effect it will have on their bank account and rush right in for the kill. No other way to say it.

They have found that these microchips cause cancer or tumors in the body. You can get swelling and infection where the chip goes and get pus oozing from the injection site. Next, when they are under your skin, they tend to move around and are not found where they were injected. That would make it hard to find in an emergency.

MRI machines can’t be used because of the microchip. Then there is the interference with the defibrillator and other devices.

There are so many things that they still don’t have answers to with these microchips but yet they go on using them as if they are safe to use on every human.

There is so much to question before you put your life at risk and really ask your self is this worth it? It may open the door or change your television channel, but in the long run, it may change your life, but not in a good way.

Seems they can create a lot in technology to make life easier but at the same time some of the side effects you get are not worth the price!

I would rather be healthy than sorry.


What Can I Do About Chronic  Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?

Have you ever been so tired of being tired? No matter what you do, rest, sleep, take something to help you rest, and you wake up just as tired as when you went to bed in the first place? What can you do to get out of the never-ending cycle?

It is called Chronic  Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

Doctors don’t understand it. Some theorize that it may be a viral infection, stress, or a combination of extenuating factors because no cause has been identified and many conditions produce similar conditions. Plus, there are no tests for CFS. It can affect anyone, mostly women over forty and fifty.

What causes CFS could be a virus, hormonal imbalance, stress, or a weak immune system. They say that it could be the end of several multi infections that causes CFS.

Those who have had severe symptoms of these three infections are at high risk: EBV – Epstein – Barr virus, Ross River Virus, or Coxiella Brunetti.

It sounds like if you have CFS, life as you know it is over, but when one door closes another one opens. I strongly believe that to be true.

They have found that our cells have mitochondria, an organism inside our cells which when needed, each cell can pull its source energy from this, and it has many in each cell. They are essential for healthy living.

The mitochondria generate energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Which helps cells adapt to their environment.

What is needed is to keep your mitochondria cells healthy is what keeps our body moving and when that stops producing energy, we are thrown into a downward spiral when it comes to having energy.

Looking for an answer to this health problem is irritating because there are so many studies and in the reality of things, no one has come close to knowing

What can help?

One way is to find out which activity makes you more tired and work on that first. Once we have that under control we can figure out what else we can do to make it easier to do things so that you don’t over-exert yourself.

Like going shopping one day and grocery shopping another. The same with doing house chores, doing laundry one day, and vacuuming on another day. Doing a little at a time can help you not get overly fatigued. It may take a little more time to get things done but it will get done in a matter of time. Which will help you in the long run, so that you will be able to socialize with the family more.

CFS comes and goes, you have your good days that are not the greatest but you feel better than other days and can

do more than other days.

It is best to keep moving, if possible, and not to give in to your really bad days. Try to be positive, and keep yourself motivated as much as possible.

Hopefully one day they will find a cure and life will come back to normal until then don’t give up and keep smiling.


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Perfume Smells and PH Balance

Have you ever stood by someone and they smelled so good you just wanted to follow them around? Or ask what kind of perfume or cologne they are wearing and where you can buy it?

Then there is the person who puts on perfume or cologne and you can’t get away fast enough, the smell gets there before they do.

My question is why do some perfumes or colognes smell better on some people than others?

It has to do with the PH Balance which has to do with the acids and bases in your blood at which your body functions best.

Did you know that the lungs and kidneys have a major part in keeping your acidity and alkalinity balance? So, they are a part of what makes the PH maintain a healthy balance.

A normal PH balance should be at a balance of 7.40 on a scale of 0-14, where 0 is more acidic and 14 is the most basic. If your lungs and kidneys are healthy your PH balance should be good.

Did you know that having oily skin makes your cologne or perfume last longer than dry skin?

What is sad is that the perfume or cologne smells so good on someone else may not have the same good smell for you. Everyone’s PH balance chemistry is different, like our fingerprints, which are not the same. So it is with the PH balance that makes each of us different and unique.

What smells good to some may smell awful to others that try the same perfume or cologne. So, if you like the smell of a cologne or perfume don’t run off and buy it without trying it on yourself first. It may not be what you were expecting it to smell like, remembering we are all unique and different in our PH balance.

Did you know that what we eat also affects the smell of perfume or cologne we spray on ourselves?

Like garlic, fish, onions, everyone’s body creates its odor. Depending on what you eat, the body reacts strongly to that, and adding it all together on the skin with cologne or perfume can make you smell great or make you stand alone. But once you spray it on and your skin absorbs it you will know instantly if it is right for you or not.

Did you also know that if you spray on your cologne or perfume and you can’t smell it on you, it says something is not right with your PH balance?

Also if you are getting over a hangover can affect the fragrance you just spayed on also because your body is trying to get rid of the sugars and pushes them out through the pores.

What is recommended to do when looking to buy perfume or cologne is to try it out in the store wait about 20 minutes and if it still smells fabulous then you should buy it.

Always take your time to buy your fragrance, never be in a hurry, and

the long run, you will come out smelling like roses, you get my drift right.


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