
Celebrate or Confiscate Cell Phones

I’m sure many of you have heard the saying “back in our day” we didn’t have cell phones, we were never called to come back from a friend’s house, we came home when it started getting dark. We played outside, and some of us didn’t have a choice, but play outside after breakfast.

We didn’t have the technology we have now, thank god, a lot of the neighborhood kids would get together and play ball, ride bikes, and get into some mischief.

You didn’t have school shootings. If you were mad at someone you settled it with a fistfight off the school grounds. If you fought on school grounds and were caught you would get paddled in the principal’s office.

But times have changed so much with the new technology, it is like many kids today don’t like to take the time to play outside. they stay in the house and play games on the PlayStation, X-Box, or their computers.

When we had our phone in the house it was a landline. it was hung on the wall or on a table, we didn’t have caller ID to see who was calling. You couldn’t leave a message you had to call back. We could make calls and play pranks and they would not know who was doing it. They even had a phone number to call if you need to know the time.

I do like that you can have your phone with you when you need it, that is a plus because they come in handy when you have an unexpected emergency on the road.

It has many uses like taking pictures, tells time, has a calendar and calculator. It has helped us in this way. But it also has opened big gaps in many ways all around the world. It has opened communication to talk to the masses. but has silenced the communication where it is very important to have, family.

It has brought us closer to strangers on the other side of the world but is making us strangers to our loved ones. It has also silenced our children who once had a landline to call for help. If that child does not have a phone of his own to use, how can he or she ask for help now that he doesn’t even have a teacher to confined in because they don’t go to school at this time but are taught at home by a computer?

There are even times that the parents are so concentrated on their phones they don’t even notice that they are putting their child in danger by having their eyes stuck staring at the phone. One father took his child to the park and was just looking at his phone and someone started walking away with his child. The person that was filming this told him to get off his phone and pay attention, “if I was a bad person your child would be gone and you would never see him again.”

In another situation, a couple was so busy looking at there phones they didn’t notice a car backing out of his parking space and was about to run over the baby carriage when a man runs and pushes the carriage out of the way, grabs the father and mothers phones and slams them both on the ground and tells them to watch their baby and walks away.

Now my question to you all is this,

Should we celebrate or confiscate the cell phone?